You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

158 lines
6.4 KiB

import styles from './styles.module.css'
import {useEffect, useState} from "react";
import DeleteForever from "@mui/icons-material/DeleteForever";
import StopCircle from "@mui/icons-material/StopCircle";
import PauseCircleOutline from "@mui/icons-material/PauseCircleOutline";
import PlayCircleOutline from "@mui/icons-material/PlayCircleOutline";
import HourglassEmpty from "@mui/icons-material/HourglassEmpty";
import CheckCircleOutline from "@mui/icons-material/CheckCircleOutline";
import ErrorOutline from "@mui/icons-material/ErrorOutline";
import Replay from "@mui/icons-material/Replay";
import RunCircle from "@mui/icons-material/RunCircle";
import {IconButton, LinearProgress, Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableRow} from "@mui/material";
export interface ProcessExceptionInterface {
message: string,
file: string,
line: number,
code: number,
trace: any[],
export interface ProcessProgressInterface {
total: number,
progress: number,
memory: any[],
export interface ProcessInterface {
id: string,
lock: string | null,
containerUuid: string | null,
pid: bigint | null,
name: string,
options: Record<string, any>,
arguments: Record<string, any>,
exception: ProcessExceptionInterface | null,
progress: ProcessProgressInterface | null,
createdAt: string,
updatedAt: string | null,
startedAt: string | null,
pausedAt: string | null,
cancelledAt: string | null
completedAt: string | null
enum Status {
export default function Processes() {
const [processes, setProcesses] = useState<ProcessInterface[]>([]);
let refreshProcesses = async () => {
let response = await fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-Plugin-Token': 'passw0rd'
const processes: ProcessInterface[] = await response.json()
setTimeout(() => refreshProcesses, 1000)
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
let isFinished = (process: ProcessInterface) => process.cancelledAt || process.completedAt
let canPlay = (process: ProcessInterface) => !isFinished(process) && process.progress && process.pausedAt
let canPause = (process: ProcessInterface) => !isFinished(process) && process.progress && !process.pausedAt
let canRepeat = (process: ProcessInterface) => isFinished(process)
let canStop = (process: ProcessInterface) => !isFinished(process) && process.progress
let canKill = (process: ProcessInterface) => !isFinished(process)
let progress = (progress: ProcessProgressInterface) => progress.progress / * 100
let status = (process: ProcessInterface): Status => {
if (process.cancelledAt && process.completedAt) {
return Status.Cancelled
if (process.exception && process.completedAt) {
return Status.Error
if (!process.exception && process.completedAt) {
return Status.Success
if (process.startedAt && !process.completedAt) {
return Status.Running
return Status.Wait
return (
{ ProcessInterface, index: number) => (
<TableRow key={}>
{!process.progress && <LinearProgress/>}
{process.progress && <LinearProgress value={progress(process.progress)}/>}
{process.progress && <span>
{`${process.progress.progress}`} / {`${}`} - 50% [53Mb] / 20 sec
{canPlay(process) && <IconButton title={`Play`} aria-label="Play">
{canPause(process) && <IconButton title={`Pause`} aria-label="Pause">
{canStop(process) && <IconButton title={`Stop`} aria-label="Stop">
{canRepeat(process) && <IconButton title={`Repeat`} aria-label="Repeat">
{canKill(process) && <IconButton title={`Kill`} aria-label="Kill">
{Status.Error === status(process) && <IconButton title={`Error`} aria-label="Error">
{Status.Success === status(process) && <IconButton title={`Success`} aria-label="Success">
{Status.Running === status(process) && <IconButton title={`Running`} aria-label="Running">
{Status.Cancelled === status(process) && <IconButton title={`Cancelled`} aria-label="Cancelled">
{Status.Wait === status(process) && <IconButton title={`Wait`} aria-label="Wait">